Thursday, February 1, 2007

Why, it's a new blog! and on globalization no less....

Well as I’ve mentioned before…I really love TV, but as I’ve blown waaay more money on Apple products, I’d rather talk about them. After reading Hanson, the first thing that popped into my head was globalization. I love podcasts every bit as much as the tv, and here especially it is easy to see how quickly you can find styles of music and different news broadcasts from all over the world. Any person anywhere with the minimal equipment required could create their own podcast for the world to see. This does make the world a smaller place. And it is interesting to hear what so many different people have to say, but in some ways I can't help but wonder how many things are filtered out. Maybe in the easiest way, how many brilliant talks are simply not listened to because they have a terrible voice or a pathetic podcast picture.
It seems to me personally that globalization is great for those that would just draw from it. But to actually get involved in one of these projects makes you realize just how much more competition you have to be heard. And the winner of any of these competitions is often those with the best PR.

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