Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blogging: not my expertise...

Well...I posted on the wroong blog. I created two originally because Blogger is horrifically unclear about what your username is and what your login-name is.
....Basically I feel like whining... 8am starts don't suit me well...lucky I caught my mistake though.
So...here, in all its glory- is the original post:

Well…while I’ve said I enjoy a good podcast…I’d have to say my Favorite media here would have to be the TV. TV is anything you want it to be at any given moment…and if its not, you can throw things at it.
For one thing I should mention I do graphic design, so I’m always judging commercials. I do love a good font. . . yes that’s right I said I like fonts. Next, as I do love my Ipod..I’m constantly listening to songs in shows and beats in commercials so I can download them later and wow people with my playlists....no one's been wowed yet that I have the Geico music...but I'm hopeful.
I guess I watch TV mostly for what they Don’t say. I like to try to judge the companies’ strategies by commercials. TV coupled with a good Newsertainment magazine like NewsWeek = amazing
Now so far it sounds like I actually think when I watch TV. Truthfully I yell more than I actually think, but there are shows that have me sitting in a quiet stupor like Grey’s Anatomy. I would even venture to say that I like doing my homework during Ugly Betty, kind of like a good warm-up act to Grey’s.
So on the flipside, what I’d do without TV, I would probably be a much more productive person. Computers stream shows…but where are all the good commercials, and how many of your friends can you ‘gather round the ol’ computer screen’ with? Exactly.
You see it’s not that I couldn’t get nearly all of the same information from magazines or podcasts or radio…but who Wants to? TV time is perfect for socializing without actually having to talk. Brilliant.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ah...first I'd have to say that media that i just can't do without is podcasts. I like tracking movie and book discussions and especially music ones. Theres a great techno radio show from sweden I always download. If it was gone I guess i'd have to just live without it for the most part - I'm not really a fan of discussion threads online and I don't really know where else to look. Some other spots on the web like Internationa Movie Database are fun..but you still can't get the same kind of insight that you get in podcasts.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Q and A fun

So. . . never thought i'd have a blog. But now since i do, i think i just may answer a few lovely questions from class:

1: HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE A PHONE? bout twice a day
WHO DO YOU CALL? K. Duncan, my best friend.
3: HOW OFTEN DO YOU IM? i pretty much just stalk other people to see where they are...but i talk to my high school friends and sister
4: HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE EMAIL? i loathe email
5: LAST TIME YOU BOUGHT MUSIC? FROM WHERE? theme from "Rookie of the Year" by Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnatti Pops on Itunes.
6: LAST THING WATCHED ON TV? Grey's Anatomy, yes i'm a sucker for that show.
7: LAST TIME YOU RECORDED A SHOW? 2002 world cup soccer
8: MOST RECENT MOVIE WATCHED AT A THEATER: i saw The Prestige at the movies and was forced to watch Step Up on pick-up day.
9: TYPE OF RADIO STATION LAST LISTENED TO? Never listen to the radio..I'm an Ipod freak. (but Titan Radio at work)
10: LAST BOOK I READ FOR ME? A biography of Mao Zedong by Jung Chang
11: LAST NEWSPAPER READ AND WHY? I skim USA Today and New Castle News everyday
12: SAME AS #5 BUT FOR A MAGAZINE? I bought a subscription to Newsweek last year
14: FREQUENTED WEBSITE? MarriedtotheSea.com and Nataliedee.com (hilariously stupid jokes every night at 12)
15: DO YOU HAVE A MYSPACE, FACEBOOK, BLOG? I love facebook, I hate myspace, but you need an account to see other people's pictures, aaand i it would seem as though i do indeed have a blog.